What many people do not realize, is there’s many rules to competition twirling. It’s just like any other sport like football and basketball that has rules and regulations that need to be followed.
The first set of rules involve what the majorettes are wearing. The first rule is every twirler must be in standard uniform. This means every twirler must wear the same majorette uniform, wear tights, and wear majorette shoes. If any of these are changed or not worn, points will be deducted from the final score. Also, every twirlers hair must be up in some form or fashion; the most common hairstyle is a bun. Another surprising rule is that all makeup must be the same.
The next set of rules involve how the majorette holds certain parts of her body. A majorette must keep her hand that does not contain a baton in a “barbie hand” pose. Also, toes must be pointed at all times, especially when there are kicks involved in the routine. If at any time there is a pose in the routine that involves a leg being popped, the inside of the majorette’s leg cannot be shown towards the audience (this is very important). Another important rule involves how the majorette holds her upper body. Her shoulders must be pulled back and her head should be held high. A majorette also must be smiling through the whole routine. If you drop your baton, keep smiling. If you fall, keep smiling. If you forget the routine, always keep smiling! Judges love to see majorettes that seem
to love what they’re doing. If one does not smile through the whole routine, it could make them seem like they’re confused or they’re not enjoying twirling. Always keep smiling!!
The last set of rules are the most obvious. There needs to be as few drops as possible although points are rarely deducted for them. A majorette line also needs to be uniform through the whole routine. Every majorette must stay on beat. Also, when entering the field to perform the field show, majorettes must high step. These rules and regulations must be followed at all times!