How to do a Bow Toss
A “bow toss” is a standard baton trick that can be increased into many more advanced forms. The trick requires balance, speed, self-trust, and a little bravery! This trick is a simple yet impressive skill to learn in the art of twirling.
To prepare for a bow toss, one must perform a few tosses to get warmed up. After you feel comfortable, toss the baton up a few more time except this time, throw the baton up as high and straight as possible. After you feel comfortable with the height and accuracy of your baton, you are ready for the next step.
After you wind the baton up and throw it as high as you can in the air, step your right foot forward and plant it firmly on the ground. Next, bring your hands together in front of your face in a “crossed” motion. Next, bow down from the waist keeping your back straight and thrusting your arms behind you in a backwards “V.” Be sure to tuck your chin to your chest as you are bowing, keeping your head up can cause one to seem unsure and inaccurate.
After you have tossed the baton and bowed quickly, prepare yourself to catch the baton and “tuck.” A tuck is bringing your feet together and slapping your arms to the sides of your legs quickly. This is the basic “follow through” for baton tricks.
When performing a bow toss, one must make sure many aspects of the toss is correct or the trick will look uncoordinated and sloppy. The most important thing to remember is to keep your back straight and chin tucked. This trick takes a lot of bravery. Ducking your head down below a rapidly spinning baton can be scary, but with lots of practice one can learn to not fear it at all. After you perfect the bow toss, the trick can be transformed into many more advanced tosses. It can be advanced into a “bow one.” This is where you perform a normal bow toss, but before catching the baton, spinning around just in time to catch it. A bow toss is very impressive, exciting, and fun trick to perform!
Great blog!
ReplyDeleteI would end up with a concussion if I tried this. I have always been fascinated watching you though!
ReplyDeleteI would end up with a concussion if I tried this. I have always been fascinated watching you though!
ReplyDeleteWOW! Those are awesome! Maybe one day I can figure out how to do that! Nicely done Kaylee G!